matric result 2018

You Can Quickly Check Your 10th Class Result Online

Thanks to today’s technology you can quickly check your result of 10th class online. Every year, all Punjab BISE organize matric examination in February or March. This year the students took their matric exams in March and now they are eagerly awaiting their 10th class result to be announced.

Final result of matric are usually announced in July. So, this year it’s expected to be declared in the same month. Students are extremely worried about the marks they will achieve because if they do not pass then they will not be able take admission in a college to pursue further studies. In the worst case scenario, students can end up wasting a whole academic year of their life.

Check Your Matric Class Result 2018 Online

Students you must know that your final result is announced on the official website of your respective Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. But due to high traffic it’s hard to access it quickly. So. In such a crucial time you need to visit Each year, the website uploads all class results including 10th class result as soon as it gets announced.

Their platform was formed to provide all sorts of helpful material for students, their parents, teachers and other people connected to education in Pakistan. You must use their website to get resources for help in your higher studies. Their website offers latest educational news, articles, notes, past papers, date sheets, results of all classes and many other similar resources. So, remember to visit their website to view your result of class 10 on your result day.

Education Standards and Evaluation of Exams

Most of government schools are not providing quality education to their students. Private schools are better but they ask for tuition fees that are sky high. All in all, school managements, teachers and staff are not paying attention to the educational needs of the students but their own gains and profits. Government should make plans to provide better and free education to all children of Pakistan.

Hopefully, government will provide better facilities to the students. So they can study well and attempt their papers themselves without cheating to get better marks. It often happens that students cheat to get high marks in their 10th class result 2018. Because their parents and teachers have told them to get good marks no matter what. Students you must not cheat in your exams to pass them because this way you will not learn anything. You may be able to get your degrees or certificate that way but you will not be successful in life because you would have gained no knowledge.

Parent Should Not Pressurize Their Children to Study

In Pakistan, people put pressure on their children from a very young age to gain high marks in their exams. This leads to various cheating cases that we hear about in the news. Parents should not force their children to study because this way they will only run away from their studies. Young students must be encouraged to learn from their mistakes. They should not be punished for getting low marks as parents should gently guide their children to gain education.

Matric class is regarded the most important step for a student in Pakistan. So, hopefully you did your best in your exams so that you can get high marks in your matric result. In case you do not get high marks then don’t lose hope. You can work hard in your next class to learn more and achieve better marks. Try to gain education so you can make your future bright and help make Pakistan one of the most developed countries of the world. Good luck with your future ventures!

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