Investors are always in search of investments that can yield them high returns. These investors may be individuals, HUFs or business units with a wide range of investible surplus and regulatory limitations. Some investments offer fixed returns while some offer variable returns directly related to the market sentiments.
Due to the availability of multiple options in the market, you might get confused which option to opt for, some investment though yield high returns but carry huge risk with them, while others have less return with low risk, which makes it difficult to choose the right option. In order words, there is an inverse relationship between risk and return, higher the risk, higher is the return and vice versa.
Here are various investment options (a combination of popular fixed income and equity investments) for you to earn higher returns –
- Mutual Funds: Mutual Fund offers a wide range of schemes in accordance with various parameters of the market like equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds, sectoral funds, and others. Each fund by its composition will earn different returns. You should choose your funds wisely and be flexible to opt as per market volatility. For example, if the dollar appreciates, the best fund to invest in are IT and Pharma sectors as these sectors earn well.
- Stock market: Another volatile investment that you can make is in either equity or derivatives. This market is not meant for the one who is unaware about it. Before investing in any stock, you need to do a thorough study of the market. You must make sure you know the right time to enter and exit from the stock before it causes a major loss.
- Fixed Deposits: Fixed Deposits are one of the safest investment options offering a fixed rate of return with the flexibility to choose tenor and interest payouts as per your convenience. There are different types of FDs to meet the requirements of all types of investors like regular FDs, tax saving FDs and senior citizens FDs. Options like cumulative and non-cumulative interest payouts can be chosen by you as per your preference. Though apart from Tax-savings Fixed Deposits, other FDs are not tax-free, you can still avoid TDS by filling out 15G/H forms. Bajaj Finance, one of the leading NBFC with vast portfolios offers FDs with 8.75% fixed deposit rate which is one of the highest in the industry.
- Public Provident Fund (PPF): Another investment instrument that yields a fixed rate of return and is the next best choice of investors after FDs is PPF. The only drawback this scheme carries is that money is locked in for a period of 15 years. It is most beneficial for people looking for long-term risk-free investment and retirement planning. Investment starts with a minimum amount of Rs 500, enabling weaker section of the society to opt for long term investing.
- Senior Citizens’ Saving Schemes: This scheme is only applicable for senior citizens, i.e. individuals above 60 years, especially those who are retired. It can be accessed from a post office or a bank. The scheme has five years of tenor and is fully taxable. A better alternative is Senior Citizen Fixed Deposit from Bajaj Finance which offers an additional interest rate of 0.35% (up to 9.1%) to senior citizens which is in the higher category.
- Real Estate: Real estate as a growing sector has a huge demand, and can earn high returns, provided thorough research of the area to be invested in is done. However, there are many limitations in dealing with real estate owing to the hassles of buying and selling.
Though the above-mentioned schemes earn high returns, you can achieve stable and steady returns with lucrative interest rates with Bajaj Finance Fixed Deposits. Bajaj Finance offers you the ease of investing online via Experia- your online fixed deposit account. You also have the flexibility to choose among FD schemes, interest payout frequency, and tenor in accordance to your needs. With short tenors, you can protect your funds against inflation. Investing in FD will also help you balance out the risks of other market-based investment instruments in your portfolio like stocks and mutual funds.