Truck drivers know to check battery and fluid levels and drain air tanks when cold weather rolls around. They may be less aware of how seasonal gear such as a waterfront or heated wiper blades can boost cabin comfort and visibility. Find out more about ways to stay warm and maintain visibility on the long haul this winter with the best cold-weather semi truck accessories.
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Make the Cab More Cozy
Whether you are driving or resting, you’ll appreciate any steps you take to winterize your cab. Upgrade to new Kenworth seat covers or other cushioned seating designed to fit any make and model of truck. Pick up a 12-volt bunk warmer or heated blanket to keep warm while sleeping on a truck mattress or in an insulated sleeping bag.
Depending on cold weather idle requirements, you may prefer to keep the engine running or rely on an Alternate Power Unit for heating. Installing a winter front grille cover can also help to retain heat in the cabin and reduce fuel consumption. Quilted and non-quilted winter fronts are available for all major makes and models and also come in standard sizes.
Install New Wiper Blades
Effective wiper blades are essential for safety when driving through a winter storm. If the blades on your rig have worn down, you may want to consider replacing them with blades designed to handle snow and ice.
Beam-style wiper blades with rubberized boosts can keep frozen precipitation from building up on your windshield, as can heated wiper blades. Heated blades rely on a sensor to detect freezing temperatures and heat to around 130 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. A built-in LED light glows to indicate that blades are heated.
Increase the Visibility of Your Truck
As the days get shorter, you may end up spending more time behind the wheel in low-light conditions or at night. Check to make sure that the headlights, fog lights, tail lights, stop lights and turn lights on your truck are working order and that the assemblies have not become cloudy or dim. In addition to increasing your own road vision, safety lights can make a truck more visible to other drivers on the road. Choose from many styles of auxiliary lighting and make sure that lights meet safety standards and regulations.
Long-time truck drivers know the importance of planning ahead. All of these measures can help you stay comfortable and safe on the road, regardless of weather conditions. Check the forecast and make sure to carry an air hose, spare fluids for critical systems and any fuel additives necessary to prevent gelling or freezing. If your route passes through snowy regions, keep tire chains on hand as well as a fully-stocked emergency kit.
No matter how comfortable you make the cab of your rig, you can’t appreciate it if you end up frozen out. Apply a lubricating treatment to door seals and bring spray lubricant with you on the road for frozen locks or other components. With a little preparation, you can stay safe and warm on the road all winter long.